

Dear Mr(s).nyanyanyanyai(※ココ本名ですよw)

We have received your documents and your account is: Active.

We now need to verify your credit card.

When you opened your account with usabox.com, we charged your credit card
for a random amount lower that the setup fee.

Please call your credit card issuing bank to find out what the exact amount
of this charge was. (If you use online banking, you can also check your
credit card statement online).

Please reply to this email with the exact amount of this charge in U.S.

This process confirms that you are the owner of this credit card because
only you have access to the charges made to your account. This important
security measure increases the safety of our mailbox system.

We will email you a reminder to check with your credit card in 2-3 days.

You can print this page for future reference.

